Welcome Mackenzie 1962 Grads!
This is your website
We hope you will join our website
so you can find out what's happening
and join us for our get-togethers!
Join our website to get the details.
All you will need to join is your personal email address. Click link JOIN HERE on the right side of this page, then scroll down and click on your name.
If you have already joined, go to right side of page, click Sign In and enter your email address and password.
Forgot your password? Just click Sign In and then click ‘Forgot Password’
Request more information by clicking on “Contact Us” at the top of this page.
Once joined, you can view summaries and / or photos of;
50th and 60th Year Class Reunions,
Our Annual Golf Dinner Outings
‘50s-‘60s Annual Mackenzie Picnics
‘Over 50 Years’ September Luncheons
and other events can be found by
clicking on the links on the left side of the page.
Dates and Information for Upcoming Events Are Posted on Our Website
under the "Upcoming Events" link at the left ... check back often
Also see details for our
MACKENZIE ‘50s/‘60s PICNIC and "After 50" Luncheon
We hope you will join your Mackenzie '62 Website and enjoy going down memory lane as you remember your days and your classmates at Mackenzie more than 60 years ago.
We hope you will reconnect with classmates, create your profile so classmates will know what you have been doing, and enjoy reading what others have been doing as well.
"Make new friends and keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold."